David Wright – Treasurer; John Robertson - Club Leader; Simon Daniel - Vice Chair, Charles Williams; Worshipful Master David Sandall; Simon Ward – Club President and Lord Mayor of Rugby; Gerry Logue, PProvSGW; Alison Ross – Trustee and Fundraising Chair; and Sue Williams – Management Committee.
At their annual St. Georges Day Afternoon Tea, held at the Knowle Masonic Centre, St. Philip’s Lodge raised £623 for the Bradby Club for Young People. The Rugby based Club, formed in 1919, as a Boys Club, has evolved over the years and is now a fully inclusive club for the young people of Rugby and District.
Being inspired by the work of the Bradby Club, especially to the Young Carers, St. Philip’s approached the Warwickshire Masonic Charitable Association who donated a further £1,000 to this worthy local charity.
The Clubs facilities include a boxing gym, sports hall, floodlit outdoor artificial sports pitch, mini bus and kitchen, enabling qualified volunteers to offer a wide range of activities, five days a week, to the young people of Rugby in their journey into adulthood.
In 2023, the Club helped over 250 young people, by providing support around exploitation: gangs and youth violence; managing anger and aggression; support into employment; support around poor mental health, anxiety and depression; intense support as part of a youth justice order; support back into education and support around sexual health and consent. This work continues and most satisfying of all, some of those young people are now volunteering to help others.
Worshipful Master, David Sandall explained that when the Lodge learned that the Bradby Club held weekly sessions for Young Carers, aged from as little as six years old to sixteen, we felt we had to support this aspect of the Clubs activities, and held an Appeal for the Club, at our annual St. Georges Day Afternoon Tea. Thanks to the generosity of our members, visiting Masons, and their spouses, partners and families, the Appeal raised £623 for the Young Carers receiving support from the Bradby Club.
Club President and Lord Mayor of Rugby, Simon Ward, explaining to Worshipful Master David Sandall and Worshipful Brother Gerry Logue, PProvSGW about the vital work done by the Club during the weekly sessions for Young Carers.
On Thursday 17th October 2024 Warwickshire Masons David Sandall and Gerry Logue presented two cheques totalling £1,623 to Simon Ward, Mayor of Rugby and President of the Bradby Club for Young People. Also, present were the Club Leader John Robertson and members of the Management Committee.
On behalf of the Club, Trustee and Fundraising Chair, Alison Ross, said, “The cheques you have given us is so generous and extremely welcome and I should be grateful if you would thank your members who so kindly raised this money,” confirming that it will be used for the Young Carers.
St. Philip’s Lodge, the only daylight Lodge in the Province, meets at the Knowle Masonic Centre, every second Wednesday, in October, November, December, February and March, from 11.00 a.m.
St. Philip’s always welcome Brother visitors, meeting at Knowle, and your attendance at one two forthcoming special celebrations would be most welcome:
The first, on Wednesday 13th November 2024, at 11.00 a.m. the Lodge will celebrate Brother Dave Reeves 40 years in Freemasonry, and, as the meeting is close to Remembrance Day, the Labour will include the Ceremony of the Vacant Chair.
The following month, Wednesday 11th December 2024, St. Philip’s will be celebrating 60 years of Freemasonry with Worshipful Brother Robin Hart, PProvJGW, three times Worshipful Master. This will be a Ladies to Dine with a Festive Christmas Lunch.
Please email the Secretary at thebeechwoodboys@gmail.com and join our mailing, or better still come and join us.